You decide to go check it out, leaving the inn early in the morning, and after an hour of walking, you're finally here.
It's time to [[open the doors ->Entrée]].
(set: $cleOr to 0)
(set: $cleCellule to 0)
(set: $couteau to 0)
(set: $Suuki to 0)
(set: $hache to 0)
(set: $pomme to 0)
(set: $teteSuuki to 0)
(set: $fusible to 0)
(set: $lumiere to 0)
(set: $memo to 0)
(set: $porteCave to 0)
(set: $planchesChambre to 0)In front of you is an old table, and on it, a small box with a golden lock on it. A coat hanger is toppled next to the table.
(if: $cleOr is 1)[[[Unlock the small box ->finBijou]]]
[[West - A woody smell is coming from the western room ->Réserve]]
[[East - A big room with furniture can be seen ->Salon1]]
[[Exit - Fear pushes you to leave ->Sortie]]You delicately insert the gold key inside the lock, and turn it until the jewel box opens. Revealing a smooth silver ring encrusted with several sapphires. Your greed satisfied, you leave the manor with the ring(if:$Suuki is 0)[. (set: $finBijou to 1)
[[END->Fins]]](if:$Suuki is not 0)[...
(click-replace: "...")[
Leaving poor Suuki to her sinister fate...
(set: $finSansCoeur to 1)
[[END->Fins]]]]A fair amount of firewood is stashed in the corner of the room.(if: $Suuki is <5)[ Some sort of red fiber can be seen between some of the logs.]
(if: $Suuki is 4)[Move the logs(click-replace:"Move the logs")[You got Suuki's second head!(set:$Suuki to 5)]]
[[North - Go towards the kitchen ->Cuisine1]]
[[East - Go back toward the entrance ->Entrée]]The living room is filled with old furniture, in the center, a massive oak table with a white tablecloth and an empty teacup.
(if: $lumiere is 0)[A flashlight is on the ground(click-replace: "flashlight")[(replace: " is on the ground")[(replace: "A ")[You obtained the flashlight (Empty)
(set: $lumiere to 1)]]]]
[[North - The living room has more furniture->Salon3]]
[[East - An old TV is playing static in the corner->Salon2]]
[[West - Go back to the entrance ->Entrée]] Chills course through your body, and you choose to leave the building. Who knows what horrors this manor hosts?
(set: $finSortie to 1)
[[END->Fins]] You're a renowned adventurer, looking for riches and challenges. You've heard of an abandoned manor not that far from the inn you're staying at. You decide to go check it out, leaving the inn early in the morning, and after an hour of walking, you're finally here.
It's time to [[open the doors ->Entrée]].
(set: $cleOr to 0)
(set: $cleCellule to 0)
(set: $couteau to 0)
(set: $Suuki to 0)
(set: $hache to 0)
(set: $pomme to 0)
(set: $teteSuuki to 0)
(set: $fusible to 0)
(set: $lumiere to 0)
(set: $memo to 0)
(set: $porteCave to 0)
(set: $planchesChambre to 0)
(set: $finSortie to 0)
(set: $finBijou to 0)
(set: $finSansCoeur to 0)
(set: $finTueur to 0)
(set: $finBienfaiteur to 0)
(set: $finRichesse to 0)
(set: $finGloire to 0)
(set: $finMort to 0)
(set: $finPomme to 0)
(set: $finSavon to 0)
(set: $finEscaliers to 0)
(set: $finSuuki to 0)You finished the game one way, try and find all the endings!
(if: $finSortie is 1)[END 0 : Chicken]
END 1 :(if: $finBijou is 1)[ The Sapphire Ring]
END 2 :(if: $finSansCoeur is 1)[ Heartless]
END 3 :(if: $finTueur is 1)[ Demon Hunter]
END 4 :(if: $finBienfaiteur is 1)[ Good Apple]
END 5 :(if: $finRichesse is 1)[ Filthy Rich]
END 6 :(if: $finGloire is 1)[ Hero]
END 7 :(if: $finMort is 1)[ Good Ending]
END 8 :(if: $finPomme is 1)[ Original Sin]
END 9 :(if: $finSavon is 1)[ Clean Death]
END 10 :(if: $finEscaliers is 1)[ Fiat Lux]
(if: $finSuuki is 1)[END ??? : Happily Ever After]
[[Start over?->IntroductionReessayer]]
[[Credits ->Credits]]Even if the manor seems abandoned, a plethora of recent bloodstains are covering the walls and the ground. The sink is also clogged and filled with blood.
(if: $couteau is 1 and $memo is 1)[You should be able to stain the knife with blood.
Dip the blade(click-replace: "Dip the blade")[(replace:"You should be able to stain the knife with blood.")[Finally, a blade worthy of killing demons
You obtain the Bloodstained Blade!(set: $couteau to 2)]]]
[[North - The kitchen continues->Cuisine2]]
[[South - The firewood storage might have something->Réserve]] The kitchen is offering a sad display, the smell of blood, and something much stronger fills your sinuses, you cover your nose to avoid having to smell anymore of this.
(if: $couteau is 0)[A silver knife set on the countertop catches your attention
(click-replace: "A silver knife")[(replace: " set on the countertop catches your attention" )[You obtained the Silver Knife! (set: $couteau to 1)]]]
[[North - The pantry has a weird smell coming from it->GardeManger]]
[[East - A wooden door is open->EscaliersRDCBas]]
[[South - Go back to the other part of the kitchen->Cuisine1]]You finally found the source of this god awful stench, a rotting pile of fruits and vegetables, filled with maggots and other larvae. If you hadn't covered your nose, you'd probably have passed out from this odor.
(if: $pomme is 0)[Search(click-replace: "Search")[You don't really want to put your hand inside this(click-replace: "You don't really want to put your hand inside this")[Are you sure you want to rummage in this rotting pile?(click-replace: "Are you sure you want to rummage in this rotting pile?")[You look inside the pile of rotten fruits and maggots...
You found an Apple!(set: $pomme to 1)]]]]
[[South - Quickly go back to the kitchen->Cuisine2]] You arrive on top of a staircase that descends towards the basement. (if: $lumiere is not 3)[The basement and staircase are plunged in darkness, it would be dangerous to go down.](if: $lumiere is 3)[The basement is lit up.]
[[West - Go back to the kitchen->Cuisine2]]
(if: $lumiere is 0 or $lumiere is 1)[[[B1F - Go down the stairs->finEscaliers]]](if: $lumiere is 2 or $lumiere is 3)[[[B1F - Go down the stairs->CouloirSombre1]]]
Without any light, you go down the stairs with the utmost care.
Sadly, you miss a step and fall, the sound of your neck cracking against the lower floor echoes through the stairwell.
(set: $finEscaliers to 1)
[[END->Fins]] At the bottom of the stairs, you can hardly distinguish anything, forcing you to use your flashlight.
[[North - The hallway seems to extend north->CouloirSombre2]]
[[0F - Go back up the stairs->EscaliersRDCBas]] A fancy armchair is set in front of the TV. (if:$Suuki is 13)[The TV is now broken, there isn't much to see anymore.](if:$Suuki is <13)[The TV is displaying white noise, it sometimes switches to a cut head staring at you. You shudder and try not to look at it anymore.]
(if:$Suuki is 12)[Break the TV(click-replace:"Break the TV")[You obtained ''Suuki's Last Head''(set:$Suuki to 13)]]
[[North - There are hunting trophies on the wall ->Salon4]]
[[West - Go back towards the entrance of the living room->Salon1]] You immediatly notice a great quantity of blood pouring from the walls and even ceiling, pooling on the ground and giving the nearby dresser a blood red tint.
(if:$cleCellule is 0)[Looking closer, you can notice an object in the pool of blood(click-replace: "an object")[(replace:"Looking closer, you can notice ")[(replace:" in the pool of blood")[You found the Bloodstained Key!(set: $cleCellule to 1)]]]]
[[East - Hunting trophies are displayed on the wall->Salon4]]
[[South - Go back to the entrance of the living room->Salon1]]After going around the table, you notice heads of different animals, nailed onto the wall as hunting trophies.
(if: $hache is 0)[A beautiful iron axe is also displayed on the wall.(click-replace:"iron axe")[(replace:"A beautiful ")[(replace:" is also displayed on the wall.")[You obtained the Iron Axe!(set: $hache to 1)]]]]
[[North - A hallway is accessible through the northern door->CouloirInf1]]
[[West - A big pool of blood can be seen near the dresser->Salon3]]
[[South - White noise is coming from the TV->Salon2]]As you walk in the hallway, the floor feels more and more damp. A quick glance reveals that most of the floor boards have been stained with a great quantity of blood. The light passing through the windows and casting shadows doesn't help with the mood either.
[[North - Keep walking in the hallway->CouloirInf2]]
[[South - Go back to the living room->Salon4]] The floor boards are getting more and more red as you walk. A leather diary is set on an iron lectern, a blue bookmark is visible from the top of the diary. [[Read the diary->Journal1]]
[[West - There seems to be a staircase->CouloirInf3]]
[[South - Go back towards the living room->CouloirInf1]] You open the diary at the bookmarked page:
I finally found it! The book that will enable me to summon the Almighty's most powerful creatures! I just need to study and decipher it more for now...//
[[Keep reading->Journal2]]
[[Close the diary->CouloirInf2]] The blood seems to indicate that something crawled towards the broom closet, as you look at the traces on the floor. You also notice that most walls are covered with blood dripping from the upper floor.
[[East - Maybe the diary has more information->CouloirInf2]]
[[South - The broom closet is quite large->Débarras]]
[[1F - The stairs seem sturdy enough to go up->CouloirSup1]]//15/09/1863
After several months of deciphering the language of the old ones, I created a replica of the book in English. Now I just need to get the right ingredients to summon one of the creatures.//
[[Keep reading->Journal3]]
[[Close the diary->CouloirInf2]] //24/12/1863
I am writing this one day before my first attempt at summoning. My family is begging me to come over for Christmas, but those fools don't believe in my research. James is the only one I can trust anyway, he's loyal and will be there until the end.//
[[Keep reading->Journal4]]
[[Close the diary->CouloirInf2]] //26/12/1863
I succeeded! She is perfect! This demoness will allow me to finally get my honor back! I can finally prove everyone wrong as soon as she wakes up!//
[[Keep reading->Journal5]]
[[Close the diary->CouloirInf2]] //30/12/1863 ?
The sun seems to have stopped moving, time feels frozen inside the manor. The demoness is still asleep, I will let her rest more and leave to go tell of my discovery in the capital, I will leave tomorrow.//
[[Keep reading->Journal6]]
[[Close the diary->CouloirInf2]] //31/12/1863 ?
Today I am leaving, I took some of my research notes with me to show that my experiments weren't in vain. James will take care of th-// The rest of the page is soaked in blood.
[[Keep reading->Journal7]]
[[Close the diary->CouloirInf2]] //SHE LOOKS AT US WITH HER THOUSAND EYES
...The rest of the diary seems to have been ripped off.
[[Close the diary->CouloirInf2]] Entering the broom closet, you notice the corpse of a servant. His top half has his hand resting on his chest, and his bottom half, sliced off is near the entrance. Despite his state, he bears a gentle smile.(if: $Suuki is <9)[ A severed head with red hair is hanging from the ceiling, attacked with a rope. Its eyes are closed.]
(if:$Suuki is 8)[Free the tied head(click-replace:"Free the tied head")[You untie the rope and catch the head.
You obtained one of Suuki's heads!(set: $Suuki to 9)]]
[[North - Get out of the broom closet->CouloirInf3]] As you finish walking up the stairs, you quickly notice the bloodstains on the windows, blocking most incoming light, or giving it a red tint. You can also hear a tree branch hitting the glass as the wind shakes the nearby trees.
[[South - Continue walking in the hallway->CouloirSup2]]
[[0F - Go down the stairs->CouloirInf3]] The warmth of ths sunrays coming through the window soothes you, and for a moment, you forget about the abominations you've seen in the manor. Only to soon get back to your senses, as a strange smell comes from the room to the east.
[[North - Go back towards the staircase->CouloirSup1]]
[[East - A strange smell is coming from this room->SalleBain1]]
[[South - The hallway has more to show->CouloirSup3]]As you enter the bathroom, you immediatly notice the lack of blood anywhere. Even the water droplets coming from the tap are clear. The walls and even the floor look like they have been thoroughly cleaned very recently.
(if: $cleCellule is 1)[You can wash the Bloodstained Key(click-replace:"You can wash the Bloodstained Key")[A strange symbol is engraved onto the heavy black iron key...
You obtain the Cell Key!(set:$cleCellule to 2)]]
[[North - Go check out the bathtub->SalleBain2]]
[[West - Leave the bathroom->CouloirSup2]] The sun illuminates the bloodied hallway with its dim light.(if: $Suuki is <7)[ In the corner, a broken table seems to be blocking something behind it, you feel like you should leave it alone...]
(if: $Suuki is 6)[Move the broken table to free the head(click-replace:"Move the broken table to free the head")[You obtained the third lost head of Suuki!(set: $Suuki to 7)]]
[[North - Go towards the strange smell->CouloirSup2]]
[[East - Continue walking in the hallway->CouloirSup4]]The bathtub, walls and floor are as clean as near the bathroom entrance, if not cleaner maybe. Pushing the shower curtain aside, you notice a [[bar of soap->finSavon]] moving onto the bathtub's surface, probably to wash it.
[[South - Go back towards the bathroom entrance->SalleBain1]] As soon as you touch the floating soap, it gains an incredible amount of speed, shaking and spinning. And a second after, it dashes straight through your heart, killing you instantly. Sometimes, it's better not to touch things that aren't yours.
(set: $finSavon to 1)
[[END->Fins]] As you walk onto the floor, you try your best not to splash too much blood on your shoes, but it's way too late and there's probably no way to ever wash it off anyway.
(if: $lumiere is 1)[You notice two small batteries on the floor(click-replace:"two small batteries")[(replace:" on the floor")[(replace:"You notice ")[You got the Flashlight!(set:$lumiere to 2)]]]]
[[West - The table in the corner looked suspicious->CouloirSup3]]
[[East - Continue walking down the hallway->CouloirSup5]]A long painting is nailed to the wall, it depicts a man in white seemingly eating lunch with 12 other people, whoever the artist is, he and his painting will never be famous.
[[North - The old wooden door seems to be older than the manor itself->Toilettes]]
[[East - There's more hallway to be seen->CouloirSup6]]
[[West - Go back towards the corner of the hallway->CouloirSup4]]The toilet seems to be in very good shape, there is, however, a bloody handprint onto the top part. Maybe there is something inside?(click-replace:"inside")[(replace:"?")[inside?
A mix of blood and guts are visible onto the upper portion, filling the toilet with blood and flesh everytime you try to flush it out. The smell of rotting flesh almost makes you vomit, but you resist and look away.(if:$cleOr is 0)[ However, when you were looking, you noticed a shiny something inside all those horrors.(click-replace:"shiny something")[(replace:" However, when you were looking, you noticed a ")[(replace:" inside all those horrors.")[
You got the Golden Key!(set:$cleOr to 1)]]]]]]
[[South - Go back in the hallway->CouloirSup5]] A small desk, missing most of its parts is sitting in the corner, checking its drawers, you see a [[hand-written note->Memo]].
[[North - You can finally see the end of the hallway->CouloirSup7]]
[[West - Go back towards the wooden door->CouloirSup5]] //To kill the demon:
-Stab the demon's neck with a Bloodstained Silver Blade
-Cut the demon's limbs with an iron axe
-Carve the following glyphs and pronounce the incantation under the moonlight.
Please finish what I wasn't able to do
-James//(set:$memo to 1)
[[Put the note down->CouloirSup6]] The hallway is becoming filthier and filthier, chunks of flesh and organs scattered around the floor and walls, giving the end of the hallway a disgusting smell.(if: $planchesChambre is 0)[The master bedroom is blocked with several planks.(if:$hache is 1)[
Break the barricade(click-replace:"Break the barricade")[With your trusty iron axe, you swiftly destroy the planks blocking the master bedroom(set:$planchesChambre to 1)(replace:"The master bedroom is blocked with several planks")[]]]](if:$planchesChambre is 1)[ Chunks of wood are visible where the barricade once was.]
(if:$planchesChambre is 1)[[[North - You can go inside the bedroom->Chambre1]]]
[[South - Maybe that desk has interesting things->CouloirSup6]]
As you enter the room, you notice a great ritual circle written with chalk onto the ground, as well as half-burnt candles, something must've happened here, but what happened next...
[[North - Go check the bed->Chambre3]]
[[West - Maybe the furniture hides something->Chambre2]]
[[South - Leave the bedroom to go back in the hallway->CouloirSup7]] Most of the furniture in the corner of the room is filled with blood, organs and other gross flesh chunks, inside the closet are pieces of human skin hanging from the coat racks. You immediatly recoil as you see this.(if:$fusible is 0)[ A small fuse is placed between several chunks of intestine](click-replace:"small fuse")[(replace:" A ")[](replace:" is placed between several chunks of intestine")[]
You got the Fuse!(set:$fusible to 1)]
[[North - There seems to be some kind of machine->Chambre4]]
[[East - Go back towards the ritual circle->Chambre1]] As you approach the bed and open the curtains, you see the most nightmareish sight you have ever beheld. What is left of a man has been gutted, skinned, and even partially eaten alive, he's partially missing his head and torso. The bed itself is of a shade of red you have never seen before, it is the deepest and most disgusing color you've seen, a color created by the blood, guts and more soaking through the bedsheets and mattress.(if:$Suuki is <11)[ Two severed heads with blood near their mouths are set besides the lifeless remains of the man.]
(if:$Suuki is 10)[Take both heads(click-replace:"Take both heads")[You obtained two lost heads of Suuki!(set:$Suuki to 11)]]
[[West - There seems to be some sort of mechanical device->Chambre4]]
[[South - Go back to the ritual circle at the entrance of the bedroom->Chambre1]] The place with the least amount of blood is filled with trash, only some cutouts from esoteric magazines seem to interest you, otherwise it's all useless. On the wall is mounted a small elevator to easily bring wine from the cellar to the bedroom, it's just the right size for you to use it.
(if:$lumiere is not 3)[Sadly, the power is off]
[[East - Go towards the bed->Chambre3]]
[[South - Go check the bloodstained furniture->Chambre2]]
(if:$lumiere is 3)[[[B1F - Go into the wine cellar->CaveVin1]]]Many wine bottles are in small alcoves in the wall.
(if: $porteCave is 0)[The door to the workshop is blocked by a plank.
Remove the plank(click-replace:"Remove the plank")[(replace:"The door to the workshop is blocked by a plank.")[The door to the workshop is now unlocked(set: $porteCave to 1)]]]
(if: $porteCave is 1)[[[West - Enter the workshop->Atelier4]]]
[[East - The wine cellar has more bottles->CaveVin2]]
[[South - The southern wall of the cellar seems a lot darker...->CaveVin3]]
[[1F - Use the elevator->Chambre4]] The darkness envelops you in this part of the hallway, the flashlight barely feels like it's emitting any light. The deafening silence makes you extremely uncomfortable. A small bottle of rodent killer is on the ground, open.
(if:$pomme is 1)[You can poison the Apple(click-replace:"poison")[(replace:"You can ")[](replace:" the Apple")[You slather the Apple with rat poison...
You obtained the Forbidden Fruit!(set:$pomme to 2)]]]
[[North - Continue forward towards a big room->Atelier1]]
[[South - Go back toward the staircase->CouloirSombre1]] (if:$lumiere is 2)[You distinguish a fusebox with your flashlight, one of them seems to be missing.(if:$fusible is 1)[
Place fuse(click-replace: "Place fuse")[(replace: "You distinguish a fusebox with your flashlight, one of them seems to be missing.")[As the many lamps of the workshop turn on, you get blinded for a bit. A strange noise can be heard from the room to the east...(set:$fusible to 2)(set:$lumiere to 3)]]]](if:$lumiere is 3)[The workshop is lit up, the sheer number of lights always blinds you when you try to look up]
(if:$lumiere is 3)[[[North - The work station seems bloody...->Atelier3]]]
(if:$lumiere is 3)[[[East - A lot of tools are stashed on a bench->Atelier2]]]
[[South - Go back into the dark hallway->CouloirSombre2]] Multiple arrays of tools can be found on a bench and on a part of the workbench. Some of them also seem to have recently been used...
[[North - There is a door in the workshop->Atelier4]]
[[West - Go back towards the fuse box->Atelier1]] You notice a big blood puddle on the work station.(if: $Suuki is <3)[ Looking at the source of this blood, you quicky notice the head of a woman, its forehead impaled with perhaps the biggest nail you've ever seen.]
(if: $Suuki is 2)[Remove the nail and grab Suuki's head(click-replace:"Remove the nail and grab Suuki's head")[You get to work and manage to remove the nail, obtaining of of Suuki's heads(set: $Suuki to 3)]]
[[East - There seems to be a door->Atelier4]]
[[South - Go back toward the fuse box->Atelier1]]The workshop is in pristine condition, most of it seems very well cleaned, no cobwebs or even dust spots are to be seen.
(if: $porteCave is 0)[The door leading to the cellar is blocked]
(if: $porteCave is 1)[[[
East - You can enter the wine cellar->CaveVin1]]]
[[West - The work station might have something interesting->Atelier3]]
[[South - The workbench is filled wih tools->Atelier2]]Grabbing some bottles from the encasings on the wall, you read: //Château LaTour 1845// or even //Domaine Granduc 1842//. Many fancy wines that are probably just vinegar now.
[[West - Go back to the entrance of the wine cellar->CaveVin1]]
[[South - The southern wall of the cellar seems odd...->CaveVin4]]A hard and solid black wall catches your attention at the south. You hit it, only to make your fist hurt as it hits the massive wall.
[[North - Go back to the entrance of the wine cellar ->CaveVin1]]
[[East - The wall seems to continue there ->CaveVin4]]You notice the massive black wall at the south, as well as a solid door stained with blood in its center.
(if: $cleCellule is 2)[[[Unlock the door->DialogueSuuki1
[[North - The wine cellar might be hiding secrets->CaveVin2]]
[[West - The wall seems to extend towards the west->CaveVin3]]
(if: $cleCellule is 3)[[[South - Enter Suuki's cell->Cellule1]]]You unlock the reinforced door and slowly open it. A headless young woman carrying one of the multiple heads you've seen so far is sitting in the corner. The head she carries speaks:
"Who are you?"(set:$cleCellule to 3)
[[Tell her who you are->DialogueSuuki2]]
(if: $couteau is 2 and $hache is 1 and $memo is 1)[[[Kill the demon->finTueur]]]Suuki (if:$Suuki is 1)[is here](if: $Suuki is 2)[is brushing her hair](if: $Suuki is 3)[is playing with her hair](if: $Suuki is 4)[is looking around](if: $Suuki is 5)[is sitting on the ground](if: $Suuki is 6)[is removing splinters from her third head](if:$Suuki is 7)[is checking for more splinters](if:$Suuki is 8)[is brushing her fourth head](if: $Suuki is 9)[is playing with splinters](if: $Suuki is 10)[is healing her fifth head](if: $Suuki is 11)[looks at you, smiling](if: $Suuki is 12)[is trying to remember where her last head is](if: $Suuki is 13)[is sitting on the ground]
(if: $Suuki is 1 and $pomme is 1)[[[Give Suuki the Apple->DialogueSuuki3]]](if:$Suuki is 1 and $pomme is 2)[[[Give Suuki the Forbidden Fruit->finPomme]]](if:$Suuki is 3)[[[Give the first head->DialogueSuuki4]]](if:$Suuki is 5)[[[Give the second head->DialogueSuuki5]]](if:$Suuki is 7)[[[Give the third head->DialogueSuuki6]]](if:$Suuki is 9)[[[Give the fourth head->DialogueSuuki7]]](if:$Suuki is 11)[[[Give the fifth and sixth heads->DialogueSuuki8]]](if:$Suuki is 13)[[[Give the last head->DialogueSuuki9]]]
[[North - Go back to the wine cellar->CaveVin4]]
[[West - The cell seems bigger than you thought->Cellule2]]"So you're a traveller... Let me introduce myself, my name is Suuki Alnanthis Buuki, Demon of the Underworld. I've been summoned what feels like centuries ago. May I ask you for something to eat please?"
(set: $Suuki to 1)
[[Look inside your bag for something->Cellule1]] Without giving it any additional thought, you stab the demon's neck with the Bloodstained Silver Blade, her head cries in pain:"W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"
You ignore her pleas and finish the demoness with your axe. Her body topples to the floor, and you start cutting her limbs, as instructed by the note James left. Carving the flesh with occult symbols and carrying each piece to the clearing in front of the manor. The full moon shines upon the clearing as you pronounce the incantation. The body parts burst into flames, and as they burn, you silently take the path back to the city, the manor burning behind you.
Rest in peace James, the demoness is finally dead.(set: $finTueur to 1)
[[END->Fins]]Suuki thanks you and starts eating the apple. She says:
"Those heads help me see, smell or even talk. The one I am carrying had its eyes gauged out long ago, could you grab me the one nailed in the workshop?(set: $Suuki to 2)(set: $pomme to 3)
[[Nod and start your research->Cellule1]]You give Suuki the Forbidden Fruit, she thanks you and starts eating it. Your smile disappears as the demoness throws the core away, unaffected by the poison. She gets up and whispers in your ear with her cut head: "I may be blind, but not weak..."
You try your best to flee, but get quickly impaled by Suuki's arm, and your vision slowly fades to black...
Next time, try learning more about her.
(set: $finPomme to 1)
[[END->Fins]] Suuki grabs her head and slowly makes it open its eyes. She sets it next to her and says: "You don't quite look like how I thought you did".
She giggles and tells you that her next head is in the firewood storage.(set: $Suuki to 4)
[[You get ready to leave->Cellule1]] On the wall, rows of notches are carved onto the wall, you quickly recognise the pattern used for counting days, and notice Suuki has been here for about a century.
[[East - Go back to where Suuki is->Cellule1]]
[[West - ...?->Cellule3]]The wall has been dug into, there seems to be an [[underground room->Enfer]] connected to it. However, the hole has been dug in the middle of a pentagram, not filling you with confidence.
[[East - Go back->Cellule2]] An old book is placed in the center of the subterranean room, it is open on a lectern, showing a drawing of Suuki with writings next to it:
//''Suuki, Major Demon of the Underworld''
The Demon with a Thousand Heads
Suuki used to be human long ago, she was wrongfully accused of being a witch, and condemned to be beheaded the next morning. In her cell, she pierced her eyes and cut her neck open. The Almighty, after witnessing the violence of her death, offered her a new chance along with powers.//
The next page shows a drawing of some sort of fairy, along with writings:
//''Vaïsha, Major Void Entity''
The Fairy of Eternal Void//
[[Leave this room->Cellule3]] Suuki grabs her new head and starts removing splinters from it:
"You are far nicer than the old inhabitants of this manor. My next head is in the first floor hallway."(set:$Suuki to 6)
[[You smile and go to its research->Cellule1]] Suuki grabs her head and looks at it: "There should be one in the broom closet, I think it's hanging from the ceiling". She looks at you and smiles(set:$Suuki to 8)
[[Let's go already!->Cellule1]]Suuki grabs the new head and touches the rope marks on it: "There are two on the bed of the master bedroom, after that there will be only one left."(set:$Suuki to 10)
[[The elevator will make this fast->Cellule1]] Suuki grabs both heads and cleans them of blood: "Thank you for all you've done, I'm still missing one but I have no idea where it is hiding..."(set:$Suuki to 12)
[[Go look around for Suuki's last head->Cellule1]] Suuki grabs her last head and starts levitating. After a flash of white light, she is whole again, a single head on her shoulders, where it should be. She has bright blue eyes and long red hair, as she looks at you, she asks: "You've freed me, I will give you whatever it is you seek..."
[[Nothing->DialogueSuukiFin]]Suuki stares at you: "So be it"
She casts a spell, enveloping you with a blinding light. You wake up what feels like seconds after in your room at the inn. You leave the room and the innkeeper, shouts: "Here he is! Our hero, he saved us from the demon!"
You enjoy the fame and talk to the locals, smiling as you think about Suuki, now freed.
(set: $finGloire to 1)
[[END->Fins]] Suuki looks at you: "So be it"
She casts a spell, and right after she finishes, your bag, and even pockets start to get filled with gold coins and precious stones. You should have enough to live peacefully for a while, without needing for adventuring anymore. You thank Suuki and leave the manor, money bursting from your bag and pockets.
(set: $finRichesse to 1)
[[END->Fins]] Suuki looks at you and stays silent, she walks towards you, looks down, and with a swift movement of her right hand, pierces your chest, going straight through your heart. She looks at your lifeless body, apologising and shedding a tear. You are dead, but you know you'll see Suuki again... in the Underworld.
(set: $finMort to 1)
[[END->Fins]] "You don't want anything...? After all you've done for me?"
The demoness ponders and looks at you, confused.
What do you wish to do?
[[Grab your bag and leave->finBienfaiteur]]
[[Hug Suuki->finSuuki]]You grab your bag and start leaving without saying a word. Suuki grabs you by the shoulder: "Wait!"
You turn around and look at her.
She continues: "Thank you very much, if it weren't for you I would have been locked up a lot longer..."
You nod and leave Suuki, going back to the entrance. Your quest is over.(set: $finBienfaiteur to 1)
[[END->Fins]] You hug the demoness, she blushes but hugs you back. She then looks at you and says: "I guess we could go on a date or something, i-if you're up for it"
You nod and go towards the exit, holding her hand as you leave the manor.
(set:$finSuuki to 1)
[[END->Fins]] Aurielle - Wrote the original program on calculator and translated it in HTML, as well as changed the language from French to English.
My old highschool friends from 5 years ago - For actually playing the original one on calculator and pushing me to do more.
Quicksilvur - Proof-reading of the HTML version
Crasseyon - Proof-reading of the HTML version
You - For taking some time to actually play this, thank you
[[Go back to ending list->Fins]]